
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min

  • Construct a simple visualization using pyplot.

Long lists of numbers are not particularly useful, but we now have the tools we need to visualize the temperature differences between countries:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

australia = annual_mean_temp('AUS')
canada = annual_mean_temp('CAN')
diff = diff_records(australia, canada)

First Plot

That’s not what we want: pyplot has interpreted the list of pairs returned by annual_mean_temp as two corresponding curves rather than as the (x,y) coordinates for one curve. Let’s convert our list of (year, difference) pairs into a NumPy array:

import numpy as np
d = np.array(diff)

and then plot the first column against the second:

plt.plot(d[:, 0], d[:, 1])

Second Plot

It looks like the difference is slowly decreasing, but the signal is very noisy. At this point, if we wanted to do some real science, it would be time to use a curve-fitting library or calculate some meaningful statistics.

Changing Visualizations

Modify the plotting commands so that the Y-axis scale runs from 0 to 32. Do you think this gives you a more accurate or less accurate view of this data?

Key Points