Lesson Title



Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What do lesson maintainers do?

  • Explain the rights and responsibilities of lesson maintainers.

This episode describes the processes used to maintain our lessons.


Each Software or Data Carpentry lesson has one or two maintainers, who are responsible for making sure issues and change requests are looked at, and who have final say over what is included in the lesson. Together, they also decide on changes to the lesson templates, release procedure, and other mechanical aspects of lesson production. They are not responsible for writing lesson content or deciding what lessons ought to exist: the former comes from the community, and the latter from the Executive Directors and Steering Committees of Software and Data Carpentry.

The process for selecting and onboarding a new maintainer is:

Release Process and Schedule

We have decided to use a 6-month release cycle for releases, which will be named by the year and month they happen, e.g., 2016.05.

  1. Each lesson lives in the gh-pages branch of its own repository.
  2. When a release has to be made, the lesson maintainer (or maintainers) create a branch named after the release, e.g., 2016.05.
  3. A release maintainer generates HTML pages for that release and add them to the branch.
  4. If there isn’t already a directory for that release in the swc-release repository, the release maintainer creates one and adds an index.html page to it.
  5. The release maintainer adds a submodule to the release directory of swc-release that points to the newly-created release branch of the lesson.

Issue Labels in Repositories

Our repositories use the following labels (and colors) for issues and pull requests:

Key Points