Image 1 of 1: ‘A line of Python code, print(atom_name[0]), demonstrates that using the zero index will output just the initial letter, in this case ‘h’ for helium.’
A line of Python code, print(atom_name[0]),
demonstrates that using the zero index will output just the initial
letter, in this case ‘h’ for helium.
Image 1 of 1: ‘A line chart showing time (hr) relative to position (km), using the values provided in the code block above. By default, the plotted line is blue against a white background, and the axes have been scaled automatically to fit the range of the input data.’
Figure 2
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP plot for Australia’
Figure 3
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP plot for Australia and New Zealand’
Figure 4
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP barplot for Australia’
Figure 5
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP formatted plot for Australia’
Figure 6
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP formatted plot for Australia and New Zealand’
Figure 7
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP correlation using plt.scatter’
Figure 8
Image 1 of 1: ‘GDP correlation using data.T.plot.scatter’