Managing Research Software Projects


Software Carpentry Foundation

This is an early draft:
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October 2016

**Roadmap** * Key features of research software projects * What "done" looks like * Basics of project organization, usability * Social considerations * Critical fixtures: automated testing, version control * Making it all happen
**What Kinds of Projects?** * 3x3: three people for three months * Contributors are frequently time-slicing other projects * "Everybody makes coffee"
**Key Features of Research Software Projects** * Developers have extensive domain knowledge, but are largely self-taught programmers * Don't know all the right answers, but do know some * Requirements may be either: * Discovered as we go along (exploring) * Relatively stable (engineering) * Problem is *subtle* as well as *complicated* * Getting funding, credit can be difficult
**What "Done" Looks Like** * Software can be used by people other than original authors * Reproducibility meaningless without this * Reasonably confident that results are correct * As good as physical experiment * Small changes and extensions are easy * Automated tests make change safe - [Feathers]( * Fast enough to be useful
**[Noble's Rules](** ![Project organization](img/noble.png)
**[Noble's Rules](** How to organize small research projects: * Put each project in its own directory * Put text documents in `doc/` * Put raw data and metadata in `data/` * Put files generated during analysis in `results/` * Put project source code in `src/` * Put external scripts, or compiled programs in `bin/` * Name all files to reflect their content or function
**[Taschuk's Rules](** How to make research software more robust: * Have a descriptive README (synopsis, dependencies) * Provide a descriptive usage statement * Give the software a meaningful version number * Make older versions available * Reuse software (within reason)
**[Taschuk's Rules](** (cont.) * Do not require root or other special privileges * Eliminate hard-coded paths * Enable command-line configuration * Include a small data set to test installation * Produce identical results when given identical inputs From "works on my laptop" to "runs on your cluster".
**Social considerations** * [Steinmacher]('s analysis of barriers to contribution * How easy is it to get set up? * How friendly was reception of first contribution? * So add the following to Noble's Rules: * `LICENSE`: terms of re-use * **Use a standard license** (preferably MIT) * `CITATION`: how to cite the software * Get a DOI for the software (see [Zenodo]( * `CONTRIBUTING`: how to make contributions * `CONDUCT`: project's social rules
**Social considerations (cont.)** * Simultaneously selfless and selfish * makes science easier to evaluate * makes life easier on your colleagues * makes it more likely that others will use (and **contribute to!**) your software * ensures relevancy of your work when funding runs out or maintainer moves on * more likely to impact traditional academic metrics (i.e. citations)
**Automated Testing** * Already have correctness tests in place (or should!) * Invest time to automate these tests * Execute tests automatically and frequently * Ensures code changes don't break what already works
**Automated Testing (cont.)** * How do you know what tests to write? * Measure code coverage * Write regression tests for observed bugs * Test-driven development (more later)
**Kinds of Tests** * Smoke tests (sanity checks) * Unit tests (developer-facing) * Functional tests (user-facing) * Regression tests (bug-facing)
**Does this look familiar?** ![Filenames](img/phd052810s.gif)
**Discussion** * What are your best and worst stories of project organization? * code and/or manuscript * personal and collaborative * Consider on your own, then discuss with your neighbor: * What worked well? * What didn't work well?
**Version control** * Provenance (reproducibility) * Transparency (credibility, trust) * Collaboration (work in parallel, peer review) * Hosting (distribution, bug/issue tracking) * Facilitates worry-free tinkering * Professional obligation! See [Ram, 2013]( and [Blischak *et al.*, 2016]( for an overview.
**From What to How** * This is the ideal: how do we get there? * "Traditional" software development is a planning-intensive engineering discipline * Didn't really have a name until "agile" came along in the 1990s * Now refer to the engineering approach as "sturdy" * Differences between the two are much smaller in practice than in theory
**Agile vs. Sturdy** * Agile: rapid iteration * informal / underdeveloped / changing requirements * frequent (daily) short progress updates * works well for small teams * Sturdy: "measure twice, cut once" * formal / mature requirements * more upfront planning and estimation * scheduling enforced by manager(s) * can scale to very large projects * We're going to focus on common themes
**Code Review** * Academics review each other's papers; what about code? * [Petre]( found: * Requires domain knowledge to be useful * No point doing it at submission time * But domain experts are scarce * No incentives to review someone else's thesis project code * At present, only sustainable within team projects
**Pair Programming** * Real-time code review * Knowledge transfer ("we all make coffee") * Discourages Facebook and Twitter * At least initially * Driver and navigator switch roles every hour * With a short break to stay fresh * [Empirical studies]( confirm effectiveness
**Test-Driven Development (TDD)** * Approach * Write the test * *Then* write the code * Then clean up and commit * "Red-green-refactor" * Writing tests first helps with design * And ensures tests actually get written * [Empirical studies]( don't confirm effectiveness... * ...but people who use it swear by it
**Exercise** * Polygon overlay is one of the basic operations in geographic information systems. * Simplified version is rectangle overlay. * Each rectangle is represented as [x0, y0, x1, y1]. ![Rectangle Overlay](img/overlay.png) * Given two valid rectangles as input, `overlay` return the rectangle that is their overlap.
**Exercise** * What are the three most interesting tests to write for this function? * Describe in terms of input 1, input 2, expected output, and why it's important. * Assume input rectangles are well-formed (i.e., nobody's trying to pass in a character string). * Come up with answers on your own, then compare with your neighbor and select the best three.
**Exercise** ```python def test_overlay_no_overlap(): rect1 = Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) rect2 = Rectangle(2, 0, 2, 2) assert overlay(rect1, rect2) == None def test_overlay_contains(): rect1 = Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5) rect2 = Rectangle(2, 2, 3, 3) assert overlay(rect1, rect2) == Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5) def test_shared_edge_or_point(): rect1 = Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2) rect2 = Rectangle(2, 1, 3, 3) assert overlay(rect1, rect2) == Rectangle(2, 1, 2, 2) rect1 = Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2) rect2 = Rectangle(2, 2, 4, 4) assert overlay(rect1, rect2) == Rectangle(2, 2, 2, 2) ```
**Continuous Integration** * Tests are already automated, right...RIGHT?! * Re-run automated tests *before* merging changes * Ensures baseline is always in runnable state * CI as a service * free for open-source projects * pay for private projects * Run CI internally * free open-source solutions * bring your own hardware (& configuration)
**Ticketing Systems** * A common fixture on code hosting services * Use them to track: * What's broken * What needs to be added * Who's working on what * Great place to foster open discussion
**Compromises** * "Technical debt" * dissonance between conceptual model and model reflected in code * informed, deliberate suspension of best practice * Necessary to get project off the ground * Complicates sustained development * debt must be paid down
**Compromises (cont.)** * Iterative development * Build a quick prototype * Test accuracy * If performance is unsatisfactory: * profile performance empirically * optimize code surgically * Clean up code
**Compromises (cont.)** * Incremental improvement ([Petre]( * Don't to fix everything at once * Instead, whenever you touch a function to fix or extend it, clean it up then. * Check for code clarity * Improve documentation / comments * Write a unit test * Improvements will accumulate quickly
**Compromises (cont.)** * Compromise on best practices if you must! * but not on version control * and not on automated testing
**[Stupidity-Driven Development](** * Write **lots** of tests for scientific core of the code * Start with many fewer tests for other project components * When bugs are encountered: * write new regression tests specific to that bug * fix the observed bug * get on with more important things
**[Stupidity-Driven Development](** Avoids wasting time writing tests for bugs that never appear!
**Finally, A Note on Overtime** * [Robinson]( working overtime when you're late only makes you later * Every all nighter reduces cognitive function 25% * So after two all nighters, you would not legally be considered competent to care for yourself * Optimal work cycle is: * 45-50 minutes of work + 10 minutes of activity * 8 hours/day * 5 days/week