# Read files containing matrices of integer and store each in # a list of lists. For example, the file: # 1 2 3 # 4 5 6 # produces the list [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] import sys all_files = sys.argv[1:] for filename in all_files: reader = open(filename, 'r') matrix = [] for line in reader: line = line.strip() temp = line.split(' ') numbers = [] for t in temp: numbers.append(int(t)) matrix.append(numbers) reader.close() print filename, matrix
# Read a file that is supposed to contain a # rectangular matrix of numbers, and check that # each row has the same number of columns. import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: reader = sys.stdin elif len(sys.argv) == 2: reader = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') expected = -1 for line in reader: fields = line.strip().split() if expected == -1: expected = len(fields) elif len(fields) != expected: print line.rstrip() sys.exit() reader.close()
# Read a file containing one number per line and report min, max, and average. import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: reader = sys.stdin elif len(sys.argv) == 2: reader = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') first = True total = 0 count = 0 for line in reader: count = count + 1 value = float(line) total = total + value if first: minimum = value maximum = value first = False else: if value < minimum: minimum = value if value > maximum: maximum = value reader.close() if count == 0: print 0, 0, 0 else: average = total / count print minimum, average, maximum
# Read two files, each containing columns of numbers, and write # a third file that joins them together. For example, if the # two input files contain: # 1 # 2 # 3 # and # 4 5 # 6 7 # 8 9 # the output file will contain: # 1 4 5 # 2 6 7 # 3 8 9 import sys if len(sys.argv) != 4: print 'You really are a fool, I need three filenames' sys.exit() left = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') left_lines = left.readlines() left.close() right = open(sys.argv[2], 'r') right_lines = right.readlines() right.close() if len(left_lines) != len(right_lines): print 'Oh, you fool' sys.exit() writer = open(sys.argv[3], 'w') for i in range(len(left_lines)): temp = left_lines[i].strip() + ' ' + right_lines[i].strip() print >> writer, temp writer.close()
select Experiment.NumInvolved, Project.ProjectName from Project join Experiment where Project.ProjectId = Experiment.ProjectId order by Experiment.NumInvolved;
select distinct Project.ProjectName, Person.FirstName, Person.LastName from Project join Involved join Person where (Project.ProjectId = Involved.ProjectId) and (Involved.Login = Person.Login);
select * from Involved join (select NumInvolved, ProjectID as PID from Experiment where NumInvolved = (select max(NumInvolved) from Experiment) ) where Involved.ProjectID = PID;