About David Clarke

Feb 17, 2015 • David Clarke

David Clarke was born some time ago in a land far, far away from where he currently lives. He now works for the University of Western Sydney as an eResearch Analyst, and would be most grateful if someone could explain to him what one of those is. Between these two things he mostly grew up, and somewhere along the way he picked up some difficulty in taking potted biographies seriously.

What I found hardest about using Git the first time was…

The very first time it was remembering to do a push, and if I am honest this still ocassionally plagues me to this very day.

More substantively, I’m comfortable with the few commands I use frequently (add, commit, checkout, etc), but having to go off those particular pistes is not something I’ve ever had to do. If anybody expects me to describe what rebase does, for instance, I’m out of my depth.