Final Meeting for Round 12

Apr 17, 2015 • Greg Wilson

The last steps in training are:

  1. I assign you to a particular lesson (which I’ll do this weekend). You submit a pull request against that lesson that fixes something in that lesson. We do not want to add new concepts at this point - we’re trying to wrap things up for a release in early May - but if you can’t find something to fix, you can remove some material entirely, add a link, diagram, or definition, or add another exercise. (Feel free to look through past rounds of instructor training for exercises that are worth tidying up and incorporating into the lesson.)

  2. Once your pull request has been submitted, sign up at for a 5-minute teaching slot. You can teach whatever you like (though it has to be from our curriculum), and your audience will be a handful of existing instructors.

  3. If you would like to give feedback on the course, it would be very welcome - you can add a short blog post to _submissions/round-12/5 (use any filename you like), mail me directly, or mail - that goes directly to a member of our Steering Committee, who will treat all mail as confidential unless and until told otherwise.

  4. You may also wish to head over to and add yourself to the ‘instructors’ and/or ‘discuss’ mailing lists. The ‘instructors’ list is used to let instructors know about upcoming workshops that need people - we mail it once a week or so, and it’s moderated. The ‘discuss’ list is for general discussion of all things related to Software Carpentry; it tends to be noisy, but only in bursts.

  5. Finally, we’d be very grateful for feedback on as well - if you have opinions or suggestions, they’d be very welcome.