Interaction between assignment, iteration, and mutability in python

Mar 11, 2015 • Vladimir Sudilovsky

This question is related to iteration and mutability in python; The relevant lessons are

For this question, the following code will be executed by python (2.7):

for datum in data:
  datum *= 2 #equivalent to datum = datum * 2
print data

The code will be run sequentially on the following data:

i.    data = [1,2,3,4]
ii.   data = [[1,2],[3,4]]
iii.  data = [(1,2),(3,4)]

What is the output in each case?


Correct answer is d.

  • a.
    • Incorrect understanding of mutation: ints and tuples are immutable, lists are mutable
    • Incorrect understanding of * operator OR misunderstanding of iteration:
      • data is not unpacked twice in the for loop
      • * on a list or tuple returns something like (L,L), and does not do any arithmetic.
  • b. Incorrect understanding of mutation: ints and tuples are immutable, lists are mutable
    • The list will be changed in-place
  • c. Incorrect understanding of mutation: ints and tuples are immutable, lists are mutable
    • The tuple will not be changed in-place
    • The ints will not be changed in-place

What is output in the following code (under the same conditions):

computed = [datum*2 for datum in data]
print data
