About Sarah Stevens

Feb 10, 2015 • Sarah Stevens

Sarah Stevens is a PhD candidate in the Microbiology Doctoral Training Program at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. She works in the McMahon Lab, using metagenomes and single-cell genomes to track microbial populations in two lakes in Wisconsin, Lake Mendota and Trout Bog Lake.

She is co-chair of Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution (MoMiEE), a group which facilitates discussion of methods among researchers at the University of Wisconsin - Madison who study microbial ecology and evolution. MoMiEE also contains a Python study group, which Sarah also organizes. Sarah is very interested in communicating science and teaching researchers computational skills.

What I found hardest about using Git the first time was understanding which commands were for Git and which were for GitHub. In this first exercise, what I struggled with was updating my branch with upstream, since you have to use git checkout gh-pages and git merge upstream/gh-pages where examples online instead use git checkout master and git merge upstream/master. It took me a couple tries to realize I needed to use the gh-pages branch instead.