About Remi Daigle

Feb 1, 2015 • Remi Daigle

I am a marine ecologist interested in larval ecology, ocean health, and the design of marine protected areas. I am currently a postdoc at the University of Toronto and McGill conducting research with Marie-Josée Fortin and Frédéric Guichard. My research focuses on the optimization of networks of marine protected areas for sea cucumbers on Canada’s west coast using biophysical modelling and MARXAN.

I use R for my day to day computing needs, but I also have some experience with MATLAB, Fortran, and Linux/Bash. I also taught R as part of my Intertidal Ecology class at Dalhousie University and I uploaded my R tutorial to GitHub. My students really enjoyed the R aspect of my classe and I’m really looking forward to further improving my teaching abilities!

What I found hardest about using Git the first time was being confused about branches vs forks. I am unsure which to use in what scenario. This stems from primarily using Git as a linear version control and not exploring the branch/fork options.