About Heather Gibling

Feb 10, 2015 • Heather Gibling

Heather is a recent graduate of a Master of Bioinformatics program from the University of Guelph and is currently in the job-hunting process. Her undergraduate degree was in cellular, molecular and microbial biology, and she is hoping to join a research team studying the genetics and/or genomics of human health and disease. Heather is a volunteer with Let’s Talk Science, a Canada-wide non-profit organization that delivers free hands-on science demonstrations and activities to youth.

What I found hardest about using Git the first time was… initiating and/or cloning repositories in the correct directories. Sometimes I think I have done it correctly, but discover .git is located in my root directory instead. I first learned about and began using Git in May of last year and am still getting myself in the habit of committing my files on a regular basis.