Adam Richie-Halford is a second year PhD student in the Department of Physics at the University of Washington and a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellow. He is interested in the dynamics of superfluid vortices and also likes to think about neutron stars.
Before Adam became a PhD student, he was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Kingom of Morocco. He has an exhaustively cuddly Boston Terrier named Mousse.
You can learn more about Adam
- on GitHub
- on Google Scholar
What I found hardest about using Git the first time was…
…its differences from SVN. I had some familiarity with SVN when I
first started using Git. I tried to apply my previous experience with
SVN workflows to a Git workflow. This was initially confusing because
in Git there are many more places where the “source” can exist. This
is a great example of the “inappropriate prior knowledge” that Susan
Ambrose discusses in How Learning Works.
For simple, local Git workflows, the SVN workflow serves as a useful
analogy for a Git workflow. For example, both SVN and Git have add
and commit
commands. But the analogy breaks down when one starts to
consider the distributed Git workflow. Borrowing Ambrose’s jargon
once more, learning git became much easier for me once I understood the
“conditions of applicability” of my prior experience with SVN.