Lauren Michael

Sep 4, 2014 • Lauren Michael

I am a research computing facilitator at UW-Madison, which means that my job is to help researchers to navigate the compute and other IT-related services available on our large campus. While I primarily help researchers to make the transition to large-scale computing systems at our campus compute center, I also serve a major role in helping various IT service providers to collaborate on and improve research services related to data management/storage, skills training, networking, etc.

My background is in research, in the areas of biophysics/biochemistry (RNA structure and dynamics) with a strong focus on computational approaches.

As part of our efforts to improve compute/IT training opportunities at UW-Madison, we have taught five SWC boot camps, building a base of instructors that are primarily graduate students with good technical and teaching skills. I typically arrange boot camp details, and I teach the shell and version control topics — I don’t (actually) have significant programming experience as compared to our other instructors. I am extremely excited to be participating in this course (finally …).