Eric Allen Youngson

Sep 3, 2014 • Eric Youngson

I have  an working as an energy engineer for the last 7 years with modeling and simulation for green building design and optimization in new and existing buildings. My company, Succession Ecological Services, is an independent contractor with the utility incentive program here in Portland, Oregon. I work with US DOE simulation programs, DOE2.2 & EnergyPlus. I also work on an open source scripting project for EnergyPlus, called Eppy, written in Python and hosted on Github.

My background is in electrical, mechanical and renewable energy systems. I’ve studied electronics and programming but have recently started actively coding in the course of my work on a more or less daily basis. Previously I had a course in C++ but never used it professionally. I have bachelor’s degrees in English Literature from Michigan State University, and Renewable Energy Engineering from Oregon Institute of Technology.

I tutored differential & integral calculus and undergraduate physics at Delta College, while attending as a student in the late 90’s.