Multiple choice question: Consider the following dictionary dataset_metadata
dataset_metadata = {'title':'GISSTEMP', 'variable':'Temperature', 'units':'K', 'author':'Johnny Lin'}
Let’s say you want to create a string that is suitable for a graph axis label showing the variable name and the units (i.e., the string ‘Temperature [K]’). Which of the following creates such a string?
a) variable + units
b) variable + ' ' + '['+ units + ']'
c) dataset_metadata['variable'] + ' ' + '['+ dataset_metadata['units'] + ']'
d) dataset_metadata(variable) + ' ' + [ dataset_metadata(units) ]
Other question: Create a dictionary that holds the pieces of your address (i.e., number, street, city, state, zip) as distinct elements (each of whose value is a string). Using that dictionary, write the code that would format your address for a mailing label.