Reverse Instructional Design- Git Basics

Jul 24, 2014 • Scott Talafuse
  1.  You have created a new git repository in your current directory with the ‘git init’ command.

Further, you have edited and saved a new file name ‘README’ to the current directory.

What sequence of commands will permanently save the new file ‘README’ to your repository?

a) git status; git add README; git diff —staged; git commit -m “created README”

b) git status; git commit -m “created README”; git status; git log

c) git add README; git diff —staged; git commit; git status

d) git status; git add README; git status; git diff —staged; git log

  1. Files under git control go through three main stages: working files, staging area, and repository.

Draw a picture that illustrates the relationship between these three stages and the following git commands:

git add
git checkout
git commit