Reverse instructional design --- creating a map using Google Fusion Tables

Jul 24, 2014 • Catherine McGoveran

Question 1:
You’re working with an open dataset from the City of Ottawa and you want to map the data to city wards using Google Fusion Tables. To do this, you’ll have to merge the open dataset with the spatial data representing the shape of each ward. Which of the following is not a requirement to successfully merge the two files into one fusion table?
A. A column in both files with common values
B. Data values represented in rows in both files
C. Consistent spelling
D. No empty cells
E. A KML file uploaded as a fusion table

Question 2:
You have merged the two files and the open data is now represented on a map. Change the map feature style from point to polygon and use the “buckets” feature to represent the data. Pick a colour and represent the data using a gradient, as seen in this example.