Motivational video: SQL

Jun 3, 2014 • Tim McNamara

A quick run through of some motivations for scientists to learn SQL. Note: the sound is terrible. Will provide an updated version as soon as I can.


Story time

My ‘demotivational’ moment happened to me in my last year of high school.

I’ve always been a relatively high achiever academically. With that in mind, I decided to take on an extra subject: PE (Physical Education). For my first theory assignment, I spent a huge amount of time on the material. I ended up handing in a dossier of material that was 40 or so pages long. As it transpired, others in the class got As, while handing in closer to 10 pages of work. My grade was terrible, I think it scored around 24%.

The thing that really upset me though was that my teacher didn’t spend any time at all explaining to me what happened. It was clear that I had put in a huge amount work — and must have completely misjudged what was being asked of me. After considering my teacher’s response, I removed the extra subject and ending up doing really well in my other classes.