Motivational Video for Regular Expressions

May 22, 2014 • Simon Michnowicz

The URL for a Motivational Video for Regular Expressions is:


My de-motiovational Story.

When in primary school I joined the school choir for Speech Day. After much practice the frustrated teacher said “Who is singing off key? You’re putting everyone off.” She made us all sing a note and then listened to us all one by one till she found me. I was ordered to do a “Milli Vinilli” and mime the words. After one song she said “Much Better”. I never tried to sing in public again.  Now I must admit that my attempts on the Karaoke game “Singstar:” yield similar results, but I have met music teachers who assure me that humans can be taught to sing in tune, and that I was never given any training or advice other than ‘to practice’. Maybe I’ll find such a teacher one day and improve my Singstar score..