A path describes the location of an object in a file system. What is an “absolute path” to the file “chapter1.html”?
- The shortest specification how to reach the desired object from the current working directory,
f.ex. ”../../documents/book/chapter1.html”. - The specification how to reach the desired object from the current working directory on an arbitrary path,
f.ex. ”../../../bill/documents/book/chapter1.html”. - The specification how to reach the desired object from the root of the filesystem,
f.ex. “/home/bill/documents/book/chapter1.html”. - The specification how to reach the folder that contains the desired element,
f.ex. “/home/bill/documents/book/”.
Three of the four given pathes point to the same file. Which path points to another file?
- ~/documents/book/chapter1.html
- ~/documents/paper/section1/../../book/chapter1.html
- ~/documents/paper/section1/../.././book/chapter1.html
- ~/documents/paper/section1/../../.book/chapter1.html