Assessment Questions for Basic Loop Structures

May 14, 2014 • Russell Alleen-Willems

These questions assess understanding of the basic loop structres, as outlined in “Concept Map – Loops by Isabel Fenton

How does a “do while” loop differ from a “while” loop?

  1. A “do while” loop runs a code block before evaluating a condition, ensuring that the code runs at least once.
  2. A while loop evaluates a condition after running a code block, while a “do while” loop evaluates a condition before running a code block.
  3. There is no difference; a while loop is a simplified version of a “do while” loop.

**Replace the blanks in the following javascript code with the correct numbers to have the loop run three times and display a famous catchphrase.
var catchPhrase =””;
for(var i=; i<; i++){
catchPhrase+= “ wakka”;