Assessment for Python Dictionaries

May 15, 2014 • Jacob Levernier

These questions are for Jeremiah’s concept map on Python dictionaries.

Question 1

Suppose you have a Python dictionary that’s defined as follows:

test_dictionary = {<br /> 'who': 'first',<br /> 'what': 'second',<br /> 'i_dont_know': 'third',<br /> }

You want to access the value of “i_dont_know”. Which of the following would work to access the value? Select all that apply.

A. test_dictionary[i_dont_know]
B. test_dictionary['i_dont_know']
C. test_dictionary[3]
D. test_dictionary[-1]
E. test_dictionary.'i_dont_know'

Question 2

Launch Python, and define test_dictionary as above. Then add several more key / value pairs to it. Type test_dictionary. (with the dot at the end) and press the tab key twice. You’ll see a list of all of the things you can do with test_dictionary. Use one of those operations to print just the values (without their keys) from the dictionary. Then do print test_dictionary and print [the code you came up with to show just the values] and show the results.