Python Equality Vs. Identity

Feb 12, 2014 • Benjamin Bradshaw


a = [1,2]<br /> b = [1,2]<br />
Which of the following expressions evaluates to False?

1. a == b

  1. a[0] is 1
  2. a is [1,2]
  3. b == [1,2]


Read the following interpreter session and fill in the missing sections of code in the remove_exact function.

>>> class named_list(list):
def __init__(self,name,*args):
    super(named_list,self).__init__(*args) = name

>>> fred = named_list('fred')
>>> fred.append(2)
>>> fred
>>> nameless = [2]
>>> nameless == fred
>>> list_of_lists =[fred,nameless]
>>> list_of_lists.remove(nameless)
>>> list_of_lists[0].name

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'name'

>>>def remove_exact(iterable, item):
for index,element in enumerate(iterable):
    if item __ element:

>>> list_of_lists =[fred,nameless]
>>> remove_exact(list_of_lists,nameless)
>>> list_of_lists[0].name


Which of the following code snippets always behaves the same as the expression a is not b?

  1. a != b

  2. [o for o in vars(a)] != [o for o in vars(b)]

  3. not a == b

  4. id(a) != id(b)

Bonus Question! What does this print in the standard intepreter? (Feel free to check this out yourself.)

>>> for x in range(300):
	if x is 290:
		print x
	if x is 5:
		print x