MCQ: Unix sort

Feb 13, 2014 • Sheldon McKay

Consider a tab delimited text file **list.txt</b>, containing the lines below:</p>

100     antelope
11      lion
2       ibex
2       ostrich
33      aardvark
10      zebra
200     buffalo
201     antelope

One multiple-choice question to distinguish novices from competent practitioners
Which will be the first line returned by the unix command ‘sort list.txt?

a) 33    aardvark
b) 2     ibex
c) 10    zebra
d) 11    lion

One multiple-choice question to tell whether your audience has actually learned what you set out to teach
Given the same file list.txt, which of the following commands will perform a numeric sort of the list, in descending order?

1) sort list.txt
2) sort -n list.txt
3) sort -k1 list.txt
4) sort -nr list.txt

1) Sort the list alphabetically on the second column, then in descending numeric order of the first column.