Assessment Questions: Objects in JavaScript

Feb 12, 2014 • Brenna O'Brien

Pre-lesson question

Given the following code,

var dinner = {
    appetizer: "salad",
    main: "chicken",
    side: "rice"

how would you output the ‘main’ property from the ‘dinner’ object?

a) alert(dinner.main);
b) alert(dinner.main());
d) alert(dinner().main());
c) alert(dinner(main));

Post-lesson question

What will the following code output?

var pet = {
    species: "cat",
    name: "Charlie",
    colour: "black",
    greeting: "meow!",
    sayHi: function(){
        alert( + " says " + this.greeting);
}; = "Mittens";
greeting = "mew mew!"

a) Charlie says meow!
b) Charlie says mew mew!
c) Mittens says meow!
d) Mittens says mew mew!

Practical Exercise

We’ve defined an object here for you. Follow the instructions below to practice working
with objects and their properties and methods.

var myVacation = {
    destination: "Italy",
    numDays : 14,
    bookHotel: function(){
        alert("Your hotel reservation for " + this.numDays + 
        " days in " + this.destination + " is confirmed.");

//1. use dot notation to alert the value of myVacaton's current destination

//2. change your vacation destination to somewhere new 
//   by reassigning a new value to the destination property

//3. book your hotel by calling myVacation's `bookHotel` method