Assessment Questions: Python Dictionaries

Sep 6, 2013 • Matthew Lightman

These are related to my concept map on python dictionaries.

1.  You have executed the following line of code in python to create a dictionary:

d = {‘name’ : ‘Matthew’, ‘computer’ : ‘Mac’, 1 : ‘complete’, 2 : ‘incomplete’}

Which of the following lines of code would give an error if you executed them?

a)  print d[‘name’]
b)  print d[‘Mac’]
c)  print d[‘computer’] + ‘book’
d)  print d[0]
e)  b and d
f)  b, c, and d

2.  Which of the following are valid dictionary assignment statements in python?

a)  d[ (3, 4, [5, 6]) ] = (8, 7)
b)  d[ (1, 3, (9, 10)) ] = [4, 7, (8, 9)]
c)  d[ lambda x : x ] = lambda x : x**2
d)  a and b
e)  b and c
f)  a and c