I chose the topic of finding things using the unix shell. (Note 2013-09-02: I edited the questions slightly based on early comments by Raniere.)
Multiple Choice #1 (Novice vs. Competent)
1. Select the command(s) below that will list all of the files in the current directory that end in .fasta. (Select all that apply).
a) grep *.fasta
b) find . –name “*.fasta” –type f
c) find -type f | grep “*.fasta” |
d) ls * | grep “*.fasta” |
Multiple Choice #2 (Competent vs. Expert)
- Select the command(s) below that will return the total number of sequences in all files ending in .fna or .faa (where a sequence is indicated by one standard fasta header line beginning with ‘>’ per sequence). (Select all that apply).
a) grep > *.fna *.faa | wc -l |
b) find . –name “*.fna” –or –name “*.faa” | grep ‘>’ | wc -l |
c) grep ‘>’ `find . –name “*.fna” –or –name “*.faa”` | wc -l |
d) grep ‘>’ *.fna *.faa | wc -l |
e) grep –c ‘>’ *.fna *.faa