Wrapping Up Round 5.2, Starting Round 5.3

Jun 22, 2013 • Greg Wilson

Meeting of the Software Carpentry Instructors Study Group
Round 5.2/5.3

Every conference call ever: http://teaching.software-carpentry.org/2013/06/09/conference-calls/


  • Did people understand your questions correctly?
  • Did they separate novice/competent/expert accurately?
  • Is it even possible to come up with a succinct question that separates competent from expert?
  • How long did it take to come up with good questions? (Or based on feedback, how long would it take?)




  • questions, then lessons
  • the first thing to do is to decide on assessment
  • then backtrack to identify key practice skills for exam preparation
  • then identify concepts and lessons for preparatory tasks.
  • Then construct coherent lessons on this basis (feels backwards).

Work backwards: what I want to assess, what they need to know/do to pass that assessment

Distinguish expertise from competence by asking "Fix this" or "debug this".

Next assignment: make a screencast that is no longer than 3 minutes long

  • Choose something that you would ask someone during an interview to distinguish them as competent vs. advanced.
  • Post one paragraph describing your chosen task by Thursday June 27 (for feedback)
  • Talk as you're typing (in your normal speed; as if you would show some of your lab mates);
  • Show the class how to do some common task
  • Watch each other's screencasts and comment on the performance
  • Probably some debugging task (example) to distinguish competent from expert
  • Take a week to think about it and post next week (Wed) about your thoughts
  • Check out: Chen at al: "A Pattern Language for Screencasting" for tips.
  • Please also read Mayer and Moreno on reducing cognitive load

Warning: this will take you half a day! Don't stress on production value! Focus on picking a good problem instead.