Python Operators Quiz

Jun 17, 2013 • Itamar Turner-Trauring

Question A (novice vs. competent): Consider the following code snippet:

list = [1, 2]<br /> list2 = list<br /> string = "abc"<br /> string2 = string<br /> list += [3, 4]<br /> string += "def"

What are the final values respectively of list2 and string2?

  1. [1, 2] and "abc"
  2. [1, 2, 3, 4] and "abc"
  3. [1, 2] and "abcdef"
  4. [1, 2, 3, 4] and "abcdef"
  5. I don’t know.

Question B (competent vs. expert): Consider the following Python interpreter session:

`»> x

isinstance(x, str)
isinstance(y, int)

What would be the result of the expression x + y?

  1. '0xFF10'
  2. 265
  3. A TypeError exception will be raised, since you cannot add an integer to a string in Python.
  4. The answer cannot be predicted given this code.
  5. '0x109'