Novice: Choose the commands that you can understand? (Mark all that apply)
A) ls | wc
B) command1 < file1 > file2
C) cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null
D) cat a b > c
E) find / -name .profile 2>&1 | less
Intermediate/Expert: Choose true? (Mark all that apply)(Btw, I’m not to say, if you are a master, you should have all the right answers, but at least have 50% of them.)
A) On windows, you can use |, >, and » too(like unix).
B) If your program want have features like Pipe&Redirect, you need to know Named pipe, BSD socket, shared memory.
C) Pipe has some relationship with IPC.
D) You heard the story(below) before