MC: Regression (again!)

Jun 20, 2013 • Chris Holdgraf
Novice vs. Intermediate
Chris wants to predict the height of a building from how much money it costs to build it.  Which of the following methods should he use? (choose the best option)
A. Linear Regression
B. Repeated measures t-test
C. K-Means clustering
E. Logistic Regression
Intermediate vs. Expert
Chris wants to analyze a set of data about city buildings. For which of the following questions would a linear regression analysis be appropriate?
A. Finding a 2nd order relationship between a building's height and its cost
B. Determining how well the number of tenants in a building predicts which neighborhood it is in.
C. Finding a subset of dimensions in the building dataset that captures the most variance of the data.
D. Predicting the energy usage of a building as a function of the number of tenants.
E. Predicting the crime level in a neighborhood, given more than twenty different neighborhood characteristics and 5 sample neighborhoods.