Assessment Questions --- Creating and Deleting files

Apr 10, 2013 • Sheera Adar

This applies to concept maps from this and previous rounds:

You have 2 directories in your parent directory, each one containing 2 files.

Directory “Data1” contains:

Directory “Data2” contains:

Question to distinguish novice from competent practitioner:

1) You are suddenly struck with great inspiration and want to create a third directory “Data3”-with two new text files, Text3-1.txt and Text3-2.txt.

2) You decide that calling files 1-2 and 2-1 is too confusing. You decide to change the naming to 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b and 3a, 3b. How would you do this?

Questions to distinguish competent practitioner from expert:

3) You want to create a .txt document, in which the names of all 6 files appear. How would you do that?

4) You want to change the arrangement of this so that you only have one directory containing all 6 files. How would you go about this without using the “cd” command.