I don’t know that I’m an expert on the file system, but I figured since I’m pretty weak on shell scripting (I avoid it in favor of Python), I’d work on that.
- Knows files exist
- Can create files using applications with GUIs and invoking the “Save” or “Save As…” commands
- Knows directories exist
- Uses graphical utilities to examine contents of directories
- Uses graphical utilities to navigate file system
- Has heard of “the command line” or “the shell”, but rarely uses it
- Logs in via graphical user interface
Intermediate (what someone would learn after taking the class)
- Comfortable with command line user interfaces
- Can invoke the command line in their OS using a terminal emulator
- Can log in via the command line
- Can check user ID
- Can print current working directory
- Has big picture view of filesystem organization; there is a root directory, and that there exist standard system locations for certain types of files
- Understands the “grammar” of file names (directory separators, filename extension may indicate file type, and so on)
- Can use command line to examine contents of directories
- Can use command line to change directories
- Understands relative and absolute paths, the differences between the two, and some idea of the appropriate uses of each
- Understands the meaning of the special directories “.” and “..”
- Knows what search terms to use when a problem is encountered with navigating the file system
- Familiar with flags of directory listing commands on their operating system
- Understands the output of those commands with different flags, and when to use them
- Knows the actual standard system locations for certain types of files, and understands the standard(s) governing the file system of their operating system
- Familiar with using directory listing commands (or the find or locate commands) to pipe lists of files to other commands
- Understands the concept of hidden files and directories
- Familiar with shell scripting commands that can be used to test for existence of files or directories