Concept Map: Path

Feb 2, 2013 • Joon Ro

Concept Mapconcept-map-path

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Suppose your current working directory is /home/you/target. You want to change CWD to /home/someone/documents with cd command. Which of the following command will NOT do that?
    1. $ cd ../../someone/documents
    2. $ cd /home/../home/someone/documents
    3. $ cd ./../../someone/documents
    4. $ cd ././../someone/documents
  2. Suppose your current working directory is /home/you/programs. There is an executable file, play, in CWD. With which of the following command, you are NOT sure that play in your CWD will run?
    1. $ ./play
    2. $ play
    3. $ /home/you/programs/play
    4. $ ../programs/play