Our work: Round 1.4, Round 2.1
Fernando Perez explaining the IPython Notebook
General feedback on Assignment 1 (from Greg):
- Almost everyone tried to do too much
- We are teaching at the speed *we* can absorb material, not at the speed our students can
- Rule of thumb: take what you think you can cover and divide by two
- Less is More
Our Reactions to Assignment 1, What did we learn:
- Surprised by how much time it takes to do this
- Tendency to make examples too complicated to start
- Making fill-in examples was difficult
- Fill in examples should start very simple and become increasingly complex, reaching basically a blank page.
- Students believe they have to finish all problems, when in fact they can learn a lot by just getting as far as they can
- Can avoid jargon and complicated words, but do not use terminology incorrectly even if it simplifies things
SWC Teaching Approaches:
- Students work in pairs
- Identify strong students who are bored and pair them with struggling students
- You may have to leave students who aren’t prepared behind
- Make sure less experienced student is the one at the keyboard
- Get people to attend in pairs/teams
- Spaces that encourage collaboration rather than lecture are beneficial (small tables with groups, not theatre style seating)
- When teaching in pairs have the person not teaching watch the room and signal the person teaching if/when they’re going too fast (often) or too slow (rarely)
- Can use etherpads in SWC workshops (contact Greg)
General Teaching Notes:
- Talk of 3-10 minutes and then have a small exercise
- No one will ever be more motivated that you are (don’t be bored by the material you’re presenting)
- Self-efficacy: if people believe they are going to succeed they will learn/do better
- Stereo type threat: reminding people of sterotypes about ability makes everyone perform worse
- Avoid saying things are easy because this is demoralizing for students who are struggling.
- Make fun of yourself early (break down hierarchical student-teacher relationship)
- Screw up first (make students comfortable with the idea that making mistakes is fine)
- Different people have different teaching styles that work for them
- Try to identify what your thing is that makes you more interesting
Assignment for Group 2
- Read Ch. 3 of book
- Think about how we can use tools like Etherpad to improve teaching
Assignment for Both Groups
- Stand up in front of at least 2-3 people, teach for 3 minutes (no more), post to youtube and link to blog
- Due in 2 weeks
- Key part is video of what you do when you’re teaching
- We are building toward (but not doing yet) http://www.beasmartercookie.com/
Please look at/comment on our pre-assessment questionnaire