About Karin Lagesen

Oct 16, 2012 • Karin Lagesen

I am a post doc working at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the University of Oslo, Norway. My background is in both computer science and molecular biology — I could never decide which one was the more interesting. I am now working as a bioinformatician at the Centre, and I have thus been involved in a lot of interesting projects. The work that I am doing is focused on high throughput sequencing data, and has until recently commonly revolved around amplicon data. I am currently working on a project focused on evaluation of transcriptomics reconstruction methods.

I have a long history of working with *nix type computers. I worked as a sysadmin for a year (a long time ago), and found that to be quite fun. I have since then more or less stayed exclusively within the *nix world and am very happy there. In my job I have tried to show others that the command line isn’t so scary and I quite frequently help people with that. My programming language of choice is Python, and I have also taught an introductory Python class to the biologists here. I also like databases a lot, and I am trying to get them incorporated in the projects that I am working on here.

I tweet as @karinlag.