This workshop will cover general teaching pedagogy and how it applies specifically to Software and Data Carpentry.
Trainee motivation and prior knowledge vary widely, but can be explored with a quick multiple choice quiz.
Novices and Formative Assessment
Novices: don’t know what they don’t know.
Competent practitioners: have a usable mental model that’s good enough for everyday purposes.
Expert: can handle edge cases.
Goal when teaching novices is to help them construct a usable mental model.
To do this, must clear up their misconceptions.
Summative assessment: done at the end of teaching to see whether learning took place.
Formative assessment: done during teaching to guide learning.
Can use multiple choice questions (MCQs) as formative assessments to diagnose misconceptions.
Aims to strengthen participants’ teaching skills.
And to connect them with each other.
Educational psychology: the study of how people learn.
Instructional design: the engineering of lessons.
Pedagogical content knowledge: connects general understanding of teaching to domain-specific content.
Teaching as a Performance Art
Great teachers are made, not born.
Formal written descriptions of teaching practices are ineffective.
Lesson study (‘jugyokenkyu’) is essential to transferring skills between teachers.
Feedback is most effective when those involved share ground rules and expectations.
Morning Wrap-Up
Expertise and Memory
Experts’ mental models are much more densely connected than those of non-experts.
Expert blind spot: knowing something so well that it seems easy when it’s not.
Can represent mental models using concept maps.
Relationships are as important as concepts.
Long-term memory is large but slow, while short-term is fast but (very) small.
Most adults can store 7±2 items in short-term memory for a few seconds before loss.
Things seen together repeatedly are remembered (or mis-remembered) in chunks.
Teaching consists of loading short-term memory and reinforcing it long enough for items to be transferred to long-term memory.
Lesson episodes should not overload short-term memory.
Performance Revised
Cognitive Load
Self-directed (inquiry-based) learning is less effective than guided instruction.
Cognitive load theory predicts that focusing on one aspect at a time improves learning.
Use faded examples to focus attention when learning.
Afternoon Wrap-Up
Live Coding
Watching instructors write software is more informative and more compelling than being presented with the finished product.
Live coding allows instructors to follow learners.
The mistakes are the pedagogy.
Carpentry Teaching Practices
Live coding is a more effective way to teach programming than slides or whiteboarding.
Making and correcting mistakes in front of learners is good teaching practice.
Try to segment learners by prior knowledge.
Ask more advanced learners to help colleagues during lessons.
Use sticky notes as status indicators.
Collaborative note-taking improves learning outcomes.
Pair programming aids learning, but have everyone pair so no-one feels singled out.
Motivation and Demotivation
People learn best when they are intrinsically motivated.
The two biggest demotivators are indifference and unfairness.
Teach what’s most immediately useful first in order to gain learners’ trust.
Be careful not to remind learners of negative stereotypes when teaching.
We’re all faking it.
Don’t teach or learn alone.
Belief that competence comes with practice improves learning outcomes.
Measures taken to improve accessibility aid everyone.
Measures taken to make learning more inclusive aid everyone.
Morning Wrap-Up
Lessons and Objectives
Write learner profiles to clarify audience for a lesson.
Communicate lesson goals by writing specific, verifiable learning objectives.
Bloom’s Taxonomy classifies levels of understanding.
Use reverse instructional design to create lessons: concepts, summative assessment, formative assessments, teachings.
Software Carpentry’s lessons cover the Unix shell, version control, programming, SQL, and Make.
Data Carpentry’s lessons cover data cleanup, management, analysis, and visualization in a variety of fields.
The Carpentries
Software Carpentry was founded in 1998 to teach scientists how to program better.
Data Carpentry was founded in 2014 to teach researchers how to handle data.
Their materials are all openly licensed, but their names and logos are trademarked.
They share teaching methods and a common instructor pool.
The workshop operations guide summarizes what they have learned about organizing and delivering training.
Afternoon Wrap-Up
A note on #2:
some instructors start improvising after they’ve taught the core lessons as-is a few times,
but you should know what you’re improvising around—remember,
our materials have been used hundreds of times,
and probably address problems you don’t yet know will arise.