Instructor Training

Carpentry Teaching Practices


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What teaching practices are common to Software and Data Carpentry?

  • Describe and demonstrate three of the key teaching practices used in Software and Data Carpentry workshops and explain their benefits.

  • Explain why it is difficult to stream workshop participants by prior knowledge.

  • Describe and critique two strategies for managing a class in which students have diverse backgrounds and skill levels.

We regard teaching as a performance art, no different from drama, music, or athletics. And as in those fields, we have a collection of small tips and tricks to make teaching work better.

The Code of Conduct

Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry have a shared code of conduct (online here and here) and participants in our workshops are required to abide by it. Hosts must point people at it during registration, and instructors must remind attendees of it at the start of the workshop. The Code of Conduct doesn’t just tell everyone what the rules are: it tells them that there are rules, and that they can therefore expect a safe and welcoming learning experience.

What’s the purpose of a Code of Conduct?
A Code of Conduct cannot stop people from being offensive, any more than laws against theft stop people from stealing. What the CoC can do is make expectations and consequences clear.
Do workshop participants ever actually violate the Code of Conduct?
Very rarely, but it has happened.
But what about free speech?
People are free to say what they want, but that doesn’t mean they are free to say it in our workshops. As in any classroom, the instructor has the right to sanction students who are being disruptive.
What should I do if someone violates the Code of Conduct?

If you are an instructor, and believe that someone in a workshop has violated the Code of Conduct, you may warn them, ask them to apologize, and/or expel them, depending on the severity of the violation and whether or not you believe it was intentional. No matter what you choose to do, you should contact the appropriate Carpentry administrator at or as soon as you can, and describe what happened in the next online debriefing session that you’re able to attend.

You also have the right as an instructor to walk out of a workshop if you feel that the participants or hosts are not supporting your attempts to enforce the Code of Conduct. Again, please contact us as soon as possible if this happens.


With live coding, it is easy for some learners to fall behind, and for other learners to get bored. Given the diversity of our learners’ backgrounds and skills, we will always have a mix of more and less advanced people in our classes. No matter what we teach, and how fast or how slow we go, 20% or more of the room will be lost, and there’s a good chance that a different 20% will be bored.

The obvious solution is to split people by level, but if we ask them how much they know about particular things, they regularly under- or over-estimate their knowledge. We have therefore developed a short pre-assessment questionnaire that asks them how easily they could do a small number of specific tasks. It gives instructors some idea of who they’re going to be helping, but we have not validated the questions, i.e., we have not done the laborious work of interviewing respondents to ensure that they are interpreting the questions the same way that we are. We also have not yet done the follow-up to see whether the questionnaires’ categorization of learners matches their actual in-class proficiency.

You Can’t Just Ask

Instead of asking people how easily they could complete specific tasks, we could just ask them to rate their knowledge of various subjects on a scale from 1 to 5. However, self-assessments of this kind are usually inaccurate because of the Dunning-Kruger effect: the less people know about a subject, the less accurate their estimate of their knowledge is.

That said, there are things we can do:

The most important thing is to accept that no class can possibly meet everyone’s individual needs. If the instructor slows down to accommodate two people who are struggling, the other 38 are not being well served. Equally, if she spends a few minutes talking about an advanced topic because two learners are bored, the 38 who don’t understand it will feel left out. All we can do is tell our learners what we’re doing and why, and hope that they’ll understand.

Other Practices

Sticky notes.
We give each learner two sticky notes of different colors, e.g., red and green. These can be held up for voting, but their real use is as status flags. If someone has completed an exercise and wants it checked, they put the green sticky note on their laptop; if they run into a problem and need help, the put up the red one. This is better than having people raise their hands because: * it’s more discreet (which means they’re more likely to actually do it), * they can keep working while their flag is raised, and * the instructor can quickly see from the front of the room what state the class is in.
Minute cards.
As explained yesterday, we also use sticky notes as minute cards: before each coffee or meal break, learners take a minute to write one positive thing on the green sticky note (e.g., one thing they’ve learned that they think will be useful), and one thing they found too fast, too slow, confusing, or irrelevant on the red one. They can use the red sticky note for questions that haven’t yet been answered. It only takes a few minutes to cluster these, and allows the instructors to adjust to learners’ interests and speed.
One up, one down.
We frequently also ask for summary feedback at the end of each day. The instructors ask the learners to alternately give one positive and one negative point about the day, without repeating anything that has already been said. This requirement forces people to say things they otherwise might not: once all the “safe” feedback has been given, participants will start saying what they really think.

Minute cards are anonymous; the alternating up-and-down feedback is not. Each mode has its strengths and weaknesses, and by providing both, we hope to get the best of both worlds.

Learners use their own machines.
Learners tell us that it is important to them to leave the workshop with their own machine set up to do real work. We therefore continue to teach on all three major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows), even though it would be simpler to require learners to use just one.

We have experimented with virtual machines (VMs) on learners’ computers to reduce installation problems, but those introduce problems of their own: older or smaller machines simply aren’t fast enough, and learners often struggle to switch back and forth between two different sets of keyboard shortcuts for things like copying and pasting.

Some instructors use VPS over SSH or web browser pages instead. This solve the installation issues, but makes us dependent on host institutions’ WiFi (which can be of highly variable quality), and has the issues mentioned above with things like keyboard shortcuts.

Collaborative note-taking.
We often use Etherpad for collaborative note-taking and to share snippets of code and small data files with learners. (If nothing else, it saves us from having to ask students to copy long URLs from the presenter’s screen to their computers.) It is almost always mentioned positively in post-workshop feedback, and several workshop participants have started using it in their own teaching.

One of the advantages of collaborative note-taking is that it gives the more advanced learners in the class something useful to do. Another is that the notes the learners take are usually more helpful to them than those the instructor would prepare in advance, since the learners are more likely to write down what they actually found new, rather than what the instructor predicted would be new. Finally, scanning the Etherpad is a good way for an instructor to discover that the class didn’t hear something important, or misunderstood it.

Pair programming.
Pairing is a good practice in real life, and also a good way to teach. Partners can not only help each other out during the practical, but can also clarify each other’s misconceptions when the solution is presented, and discuss common research interests during breaks. To facilitate this, we strongly prefer flat (dinner-style) seating to banked (theater-style) seating; this also makes it easier for helpers to reach learners who need assistance.

When pair programming is used it’s important to put everyone in pairs, not just the learners who are struggling, so that no one feels singled out. It’s also useful to have people sit in new places (and hence pair with different partners) after each coffee or meal break.

Peak rule.
The peak rule states that people judge an experience primarily based on how they felt at its most intense point and how they felt at its end. While it has been criticized for not strongly predicting what’s remembered, it’s always worth trying to end a lesson on a high note.

Key Points