The multiple choice questions are based on material from the Analyzing Patient Data lesson (the first Python lesson)

Formative assessment

print a,"a",5*a,"5*a",5*"a"

What will be the output of the Python program shown above?

  1. 5 a 25 5*a aaaaa
  2. 5 five 55555 twentyfive fivefivefivefivefive
  3. a,"a",5a,"5a",5*"a"
  4. a "a" 5a "5a" 5*"a"
  5. 5 5 25 25 25
  6. a a aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa

Summative assessment

print a,b

What will be the output of the Python program shown above?

  1. 5 5
  2. 3 5
  3. 3 3
  4. program will stop at statement a=b and produce en error

Comments for answers to the second question:

  1. correct answer
  2. student may be confusing a=b with a==b
  3. student understands variables a and b will be the same after the program ends, but confuses the order of assignment, possibly because b=a is after a=b (so it takes precedence)
  4. student takes the mathematical view that a=b is incorrect so program will give an error, does not understand that a=b is an assignment operation