Group 9 had its second online meeting yesterday, during which we discussed what people learned from creating concept maps, the differences between formative and summative assessment, the mis-use of testing in large organizations, and reverse instructional design. Notes are below; comments and corrections would be welcome.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 21. To prepare for it, each participant should do the following:

  1. Choose a concept map created by someone else that describes something you think you could teach in five minutes or less.
  2. Create two formative assessment exercises you could use after that 5-minute lesson to determine whether or not you had successfully managed to get the key ideas across. One of these must be a multiple-choice question (MCQ); the other can be a second MCQ, a short programming exercise, or anything else that:
    1. learners could do in 5 minutes or less, and
    2. you could assess quickly in a class of 40 people or more.

    Please post both of your assessments to the blog no later than Wednesday, May 14. Please do not post answers or solutions.</li> * Answer the questions or exercises posted by two other people no later than Tuesday, May 20. Post your answers as comments on their blog posts, and include any comments you have on the questions themselves: were they ambiguous? Are there multiple correct answers? Did they take too long? Etc. * Be sure to have read at least the first two chapters of How Learning Works by the 21st as well.</ol> We'll see you in two weeks…


    And a request: please do get work up in the first week, so that people have a full week for comments. Much of the value of this class comes from peer feedback, and if you don't give your peers a chance to give feedback before our meeting, everyone gets less out of the exercise than they could.

    19:00 Eastern

    14:00 Eastern

    10:00 Eastern

    Greg: How do you tell which concepts to put into a map?

    Do you think it did a better job of making you think about individual steps than point-form notes?

    Sometimes people mix flow charts and decision trees into their concept maps

    Exercise idea — for the next presentation you do — sit down with colleagues and first produce concept map. Then individually come up with order for narrative of presentation. How do each colleagues differ?!

    Differences in the maps you come up with unlikely to arise because of disagreements about content, but different opinions on order

    Greg asked Scott Burns about "denotations vs connotations": name of concept/node has technical definition but also has added connotations as to which the reader understands the word to mean.

    Jeff Hollister — Found concept mapping to be a great way to outline slides for an "Ignite talk" (= 20 slides in 5 minutes, on a timer so that the slides advance automatically every 15 seconds)

    Greg: If anyone has other ways of organizing their ideas that they find useful, please write a blog post for the SW Teaching Blog

    Formative assessment is online feedback of what you're doing well & poorly so as to focus effort. Helps learning, implements the feedback loop.

    In large institutions morphs into summative assessment. Is this group of people ready to move on? X teacher better than Y teacher?

    Push toward national testing in educational systems is an example of how this goes wrong. As soon as performance on these tests becomes linked to reward, then the system gets "gamed" and people "teach to the test".  Example: If publication counts are tied to a reward, there is incentive to "salami" cut your research into small pieces and send out to journals with lower standards in order to get as many publications as possible.

    Summative assessment is necessary, individual things need to be compared and sorted but misapplications of the metrics lead to failure.

    Summative assessment is an assessment at a particular time: Has the student passed a particular requirement?

    Teaching to the test arises when what is meant to be formative assessment becomes taken as summative

    If you write the tests first, then the code, you usually get better code faster (described in Greg & Andy Oram's book "Making Software":

    Equivalent of test-driven development in education is Reverse Instructional Design.

    Reverse Instructional Design — Normally when people design a course they begin by saying what do we need to teach? A list. Then come up with exercises, then a test based on what was taught. This is backward to what you should do:

    1. Come up with assessment first, (if you don't know how to assess them you aren't ready to start teaching them)
    2. Figure out what they need to practice before that assessment so they can pass it: what will you then have them do as warm up
    3. What will you now teach them so they can do those exercises?

    exam= summative assessment, exercises are formative assessment.

    4-5 laps of assessment and talk per hour

    Compare with coding practice Test Driven Development , write a test, make the code pass — this process is TDD for teaching!!

    recommended book: Seeing Like a State

    Productivity X Uniformity (local variation eg. agriculture)

    Ref: Owning property in russia.

    Pick a topic you think you can teach in 5 minutes.

    Come up with 2 multiple choice questions or 1 longer exercise question that students can do in 5 minutes that will tell you whether you managed to teach them.

    Try someone else's concept map. How will you know whether your learners grasped the concepts you were trying to teach.

    This process can seem to slow your progress, but it also means that you find it hard to leave people behind as checking at very regular intervals means that you ensure more people are brought up to speed. Feedback is important to make sure that you are getting the ideas across and students will learn more.

    Additional benefit: students will feel like you are taking an interest in their progress

    A good Multiple Choice Question has about 4 answers — 1 good, 3 plausible bad, none obviously wrong.

    Avoid MCQs that rely entirely on memorization/recall

    If the question is "open ended", checking it should be scalable

    a programming exercise could have one correct output even if it has many correct solutions ("What is the sum of the numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 1000″)

    Should be able to solve in 5 minutes, don't want lots of wrong answers because of lack of time

    due wed next week

    Influential paper: A Rational Design Process: Why and How to Fake It.

    Interesting tool for real-time assesment during a class: