Competancy Question: Under what circumstances is VNC preferable to X11-Forwarding

A) When you have to do graphics intensive tasks on a remote server, and security is important
B) When you have to do graphics intensive tasks on a remote server, and security is not important
C) When you have to do non-graphics intensive tasks on a remote server, and security is important
D) When you have have to do non-graphics intensive tasks on a remote server, and security is not important

Learning Assessment Question: The VNC Client and SSH Client on the same machine are configured to send information through the same port, to the same IP address. Which of the following is true:

A) You will be able to view the content of the VNC server securely
B) You will be able to view the content of the VNC server, but it will not be secure
C) You will be able to view the content only if the router is configured to allow signals on that port through
D) You will not be able to connect to the VNC server


Write a script that runs a statistical analysis on a local machine, and displays the results to the screen of the remote machine. Verify that the results are displaying properly.


This took lots of effort. I potentially should have picked a new topic, but I wanted to follow through on the concept map from last  time. I'm not entirely sure there is 10 minutes worth of content to teach here. Thoughts?