Initial question
What is the output of the following statement?

[(y - x) for x in [1,2] for y in [2,3] if x != y]

A: [-1, -2, -1]
B: [1, 0, 2, 1]
C: [1, 2, 1]
D: [1, 1]
E: object with base class Exception

Final question
Which list comprehension(s) below correspond to the following code?
Circle all that apply. Write a happy face beside your favorite solution.

my_dic = dict(a=1, b=-1, c=2, d=-2)<br /> interesting_items = dict(a='foo', b='bar', foo='c', bar='d')<br /> out = []<br /> for k, v in my_dic.items():

for k2, v2 in interesting_items.items():

        if k == k2:


A: [abs(v) for k, v in interesting_items.items() for k2, v2 in my_dic.items() if k==k2]
B: [abs(v) for k, v in my_dic.items() for k2, v2 in interesting_items.items() if k==k2]
C: [abs(v) for k, v in my_dic.items() if k in interesting_items]
D: [abs(v) for k, v in interesting_items.items() if k in my_dic]
E: [abs(my_dic[k]) for k in set(my_dic).intersection(set(interesting_items))]

Your boss has just discovered list comprehensions and now wants you to
simplify all of your old code. Please update your previous exercises
(code from Round 8.2) by replacing old code with list comprehensions.