Context; Learning goal is to be able to work locally, using a special patch branch, to contribute fixing of an issue to an open source project. An example of a repo with tichets is our own [][1] .  For the concept map of the course syllabus, see [][2]

  1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) to differentiate whether or not the prerequisites are met.

Q: What is usually the next step after doing a git fork in order to start working locally?
a.Git wget
b.Git clone
c.Git copy
d.Git checkout

  1. MCQ to ascertain the course achieved its objectives.

Q: Which command is needed once you are done with your local branch work on a ticket and want to upload it to the desired destination, eg Github?
a.Git remote push myBranch yourUrl
b.Git merge yourUrl / myBranch
c.Git clone myBranch yourUrl
d.Git push yourUrl myBranch

//EDIT 2014-02-12Wed.16:21:49,
Sorry, I forgot to add the Exercise at 2pm!


Working on open source projects can happen like so.

1.See an interesting ticket;
Create template text for Etherpad for use in workshops · Issue #300 · swcarpentry/bc

2.On Github, sign in and Fork it.

3.Go to your source folder and bring it down.
$ cd src/

<ENTER How to get the code from Github?>

4.Go into the working folder and check that your remote matches your github info and that you're on the right branch.

$ cd swcarpentrybc/

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

<ENTER How to see what branch you're on?>

5.Make a nice new branch that references the ticket number and simultaneously check it out.

$ git checkout -b issue-300-etherpad-howto
Switched to a new branch 'issue-300-etherpad-howto'

$ git branch —all
* issue-300-etherpad-howto
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

$ git status
# On branch issue-300-etherpad-howto
nothing to commit, working directory clean

6.Do your work, commit it locally, and check your patch with diff.
$ bbedit etherpad.txt
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "#300 Etherpad file added."

$ git diff HEAD HEAD~1
diff —git a/etherpad.txt b/etherpad.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 566dc1c..0000000
— a/etherpad.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@

-Instructions for Students.

-Go to the URL given by your instructor.

-The page displays a screen with three major parts.

-1.The left side holds the wiki with today's notes written by the instructor.
-2.The top right side shows the names of users who are logged in.
-3.The bottom right is a real time chat window for asking questions of the instr
No newline at end of file

7.Now upload your work to your github repo.

8.On Github, view your branch and send it to the open source repo for approval. Click 'compare and pull request' Ensure you see the green 'able to merge' sticker. Check the diff and write your comment. Include the ticket number in the comment with a hash sign! 9.Upon success, note that there is now both a ticket and a pull request, and each are separately commentable. [][4] [][3] Notice how Github automatically linked the two. Refs; Others' Posts [] Jessica Hamrick Git Commit []Andrea Zonca Git Branching for first homework, now pandas //Edit 2014-03-02Sun.13:02:15; Fixed Category to 8.2 , ie Round 8, Exercise 2. [1]: "" [2]: "" [3]: "" [4]: ""