Before teaching MCQ (novices vs. competent practitioners):
What is the order of steps within a batch processing script?

A) crunch data -> import -> output
B) import -> crunch data -> output
C) output -> import -> crunch data
D) output -> crunch data -> import

After teaching MCQ:
You have 5 data files in different directories that you want to execute the same calculations on. You have the paths of the files listed in list.txt. Your bash script to loop over the files might begin with:

A) while list.txt
B) cat list.txt
C) for i in $(ls)
D) ls list.txt

Find the two bugs in the following code:

cat list.txt > while read i
echo "$list.txt";

Pilot test:
If you have time, please go to try these MCQs here; use the code animal DOG when prompted so I can distinguish the different groups I have piloting it.