Part A: Competent from Novice
What's the difference between git log and git status?

a) Nothing, they are the same.

b) git status lets you view your working directory and staging area. git log lets you view your history of commits.

c) git log lets you view your working directory and staging area. git status lets you view your history of commits.

d) git status lets you view your last commit. git log lets you view your commit history.


Part B: Expert from Competent
What's the difference between git log and git reflog?

a) Nothing. They both show your history of commits.

b) git log shows you your branch's commit history.* git reflog* shows you the history of your branch's HEAD since the branch started.

c) git log shows you your branch's commit history. git reflog shows you the history of your branch's HEAD for the last 30 days.

d) git log shows you your branch's commit history. git reflog shows your branch's commit history for the last 30 days.