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You're invited to the

Software Carpentry Curriculum Bug Barbeque

June 13, 2016

It's almost time to publish the next version of Software Carpentry's lessons, and we need your help! Get together in person or participate remotely to close issues, finish PRs and make our lessons better than ever in a one day sprint on June 13. Once complete, these lessons will be published with a DOI, so all our contributors can get a citation for their hard work.

Lesson Lineup

Here are the lessons we're working on at the bug barbeque; start by checking out the milestone for the lesson you're interested in to see what still needs doing, and also have a look at the etherpad to chat with the maintainers and other collaborators, ask questions and find out what's happening.

Join in the global conversation on this etherpad.

Elective Lesson Milestone Etherpad Status
Computational Algebra with GAP Milestone Etherpad 15:37 UTC: all PRs merged or closed
Reproducible Research with Docker Issues Etherpad

Connecting & Participating

Join in from where you are: No need to go anywhere - if you'd like to participate remotely, start by having a look at the milestones above to see what tasks are still open, and send a pull request with your ideas to the corresponding repo.

Get together with the community: If you'd like to get together with other people working on these lessons live, check out the map below for live sites - click on a pin for details on how to join the site nearest you.

Want to help, but not sure how to contribute? In addition to contributions, every lesson listed above needs proofreaders and bugtesters; click on the Lesson link in the table above, read through each chapter (look for files called '', '' in the repo), and most importantly try every command - if anything is unclear or anything doesn't work, please let the maintainers know immediately by opening an issue in the same repository, or making a note on the corresponding etherpad linked from the table above.

Want to host a live site? Open an issue here with the address and room number and times you'll be open for, and we'll add you to the map.

Click on the pin nearest you to find a link to more details on how you can plug into your local site. No one on the map near you? See above on how to host your own site, or participate remotely.